AXIGEN 7.3 verfügbar

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Was gibt es Neues unter Axigen 7.3?
    • Die Axigen Identity Confirmation© (Identitätsbestätigung) beruht im Grunde auf dem Einbringen einer Antispam-Methode, die auf dem Challenge / Response-Prinzip basiert. Sie verlagert die Belastung des Ausfilterns von E-Mails effektiv vom Empfänger auf den Absender, indem sie eingehende E-Mails abfängt und von unbekannten oder neuen Absendern eine Identitätsbestätigung anfordert, während sie die Zustellung legitimer Nachrichten weiterhin zulässt.

    • Die Version 7.3 von Axigen gibt den Anwenden außerdem die Möglichkeit, Kontakte unter WebMail aus anderen beliebten Email Clients und Systemen wie Outlook, Thunderbird oder Yahoo!Mail zu importieren / exportieren. Den System-Administratoren werden konstante Back-Up und Wiederherstellungs-Abläufe geboten wie auch die Möglichkeit, Richtlinien für detaillierte Passwort-Gültigkeitszeiträume oder kundenspezifische Begrüßungsnachrichten, die an die Inbox des Anwenders nach dessen Kontoerstellung geschickt werden, festzulegen.

    Beachten Sie bitte, dass – gemäß unserer Richtlinien für den Technischen Support – nur die aktuelle Haupt- und Vorgängerversion von Axigen unterstützt wird. Das heißt z. B., dass im Moment nur die Version 6.2.2 und die der 7x-Produkte unterstützt wird, während der Support für ältere Versionen eingestellt wurde.

    New Features
    - CORE, WEBMAIL: A password expiry notification mechanism and password history have been implemented.
    - ADMINISTRATIVE: Users can be sent a customizable message upon account creation.
    - ADMINISTRATIVE: All the objects found in AXIGEN can be queried and fully identified.
    - BACKUP: Exporting AXIGEN objects as mountable FUSE paths is available.
    - FILTERING: A challenge response filtering system is now available for users. More info.
    - WEBMAIL: There has been added an option to export/import contacts.

    - MAILBOX: A new threshold has been added for quota enforcements.
    - CLI: The 'show registryInformation' command's output has been enhanced.
    - WEBMAIL: A new option is available for messages in WebMail: "Mark all as read".

    Bugfixes from previous version
    - WEBMAIL: Certain in-line images were not displayed.
    - WEBMAIL: WebMail was unable to download certain attachments in case of gzip encoded connections.
    - WEBMAIL-AJAX: Downloading a large email source is now performed completely.
    - WEBMAIL-AJAX: The content of an opened mail is now displayed when changing view.
    - WEBMAIL-AJAX: Attachment uploading breaks no more when trying to upload many items at the same time.
    - WEBMAIL-AJAX: The HTML editor is no longer loaded when editing a plain text signature.
    - WEBMAIL-AJAX: There are no more issues with using certain keys for keyboard shortcuts.
    - WEBMAIL-AJAX: Folder names are no longer displayed in bold after reading all unread emails.
    - WEBMAIL-AJAX: Folders containing the "#" character can now be removed.
    - WEBMAIL-PROXY: The responses from the back-end to the standard front-end interface used to generate infinite browser loops.
    - WEBADMIN: The limit of SMTP relay exceptions has been increased to 1000.
    - WEBADMIN: Permissions for delegated users are now displayed for all domains in a large list.
    - IMAP: Modifying events via MAPI used to be very slow on large calendars.

    Note: Platform and Application Support Changes

    - Added support for the following distributions:
    o Fedora 12
    o Mandriva Enterprise Server 5
    o Mandriva Linux 2010.0
    o Ubuntu 9.10
    o openSUSE 11.2
    o OpenBSD 4.6
    o Slackware 13.0
    o Gentoo 10.0

    - Removed support for the following distributions:
    o Fedora 10
    o Mandriva Linux 2008.1
    o openSUSE 10.3
    o OpenBSD 4.4
    o Slackware 12.2
    o Gentoo 2007.0

    AXIGEN Outlook Connector

    Bugfixes from previous version
    - Clicking on Tools -> AXIGEN Mail Server -> Server Side Rules no longer generates any errors.
    - Adding a rcpt to a new mail from address book no longer implies four login - logout operations.
    - Synchronized domain contacts were never updated.
    - Copy/move issues for items that were not fully synchronized.
    - Copy/move operations used to create duplicate items.
    - When forwarding certain emails with attachments, the recipients of the emails were not able to see the entire message.
    - Mails sent in Plain Text/Rich Text are no longer received as HTML.
    - The 'Phone' detail of Domain Contacts items is now mapped to Outlook contacts' Phone field.
    - The 'To' field is now saved for draft emails.
    - Fixed the slow email sending encountered upon hierarchy synchronization.
    - Logging on Outlook Connector with another language pack (e.g. Norwegian) used to create duplicate folders.
    - Filtered Domain Contacts for Sharing and Open Other Users Folders.
    - Sending emails to multiple personal distribution lists is now possible.
    - Update emails with the task completion percentage are now received; emails for accepted tasks are now processed.
    - The 'To Do' bar no longer reads events from the 'Sent' folder.