Worauf muss ich beim Upgrade von Version 1.x nach 2.0 achten?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Sobald Sie das Upgrade auf der Konsole starten, erhalten Sie den nachfolgenden Dialog.
    Sie müssen also:
    1. Die Domains neu in Axigen registrieren. Dies geschieht unter Commands -> Register domain location
    2. Das Adminpasswort neu setzen.
    3. Axigen neu starten.
    Axigen unterstützt Sie jedoch direkt durch einen Wizard, der Sie Schritt für Schritt begleitet.
    "Starting with version 2.0.0, the format for the internal storage
    has changed. You can upgrade your old storage using an automatic
    script, by running:
    AXIGEN must be stopped before starting to upgrade your storage:
    /etc/init.d/axigen stop
    85-10-208-43:~/axigen-2.0.0 # /opt/axigen/bin/upgrade.sh
    AXIGEN Storage Automatic Upgrade
    Found the following domains in /var/opt/axigen/domains:
    * axigenmailgate.de
    Do you want to upgrade them all? [y/n]: y
    Do you want to run a dry test before actually upgrading the domains? [y/n]: n
    >>> Upgrading domain: axigenmailgate.de
    After starting AXIGEN, register the following domain location:
    otherwise, the upgraded domain won't be available in AXIGEN
    The /var/opt/axigen/run/axigen.reg file is also not compatible with the
    new AXIGEN version, so the new version won't start with the old file
    Do you want to remove it? [y/n]: y
    >>> Removing old axigen.reg
    Now that you have removed the old .reg file, you need to set the admin
    password again
    Do you want to set the admin password? [y/n]: y
    Please enter the admin password (won't be echoed):
    >>> Setting the admin password
    Administrator's password saved
    Remember: You need to register the following locations:
    * /var/opt/axigen/domains/axigenmailgate.de

    You can do that:"
    1. Using WebAdmin
    Start AXIGEN and login into the WebAdmin interface and go to "Commands" ->
    "Register domain location", enter each location from the above list in the
    "Domain location:" box and press the "Register Domain" button.
    2. Using CLI:
    Connect to CLI service, login and repeat the command:
    for each location listed above.
    After registering the locations and starting AXIGEN, you may remove the old
    locations, meaning all subdirectories and files from the /var/opt/axigen/domains location,
    except the ones listed as domain locations above
    All done."